Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Petrol Prices

You're driving to London. Should you fill up before you leave to avoid the service stations' high prices? Maybe the petrol will be cheaper in London? With the rocketing price of petrol, you'll want to fill up your tank for as little as possible.

We're collecting data from almost 10,000 petrol stations across the UK. We're currently integrating it into KeepMoving so you can see where's best to buy it.

We're launching it in just under two weeks. It's going to be rather useful, and we're quite excited in our own little traffic geek way.


Anonymous said...

Will be very helpful to know cheapest forcourt could start a price war in favour of us motorists

mickymo said...

This is great.Motorists need sites like this with this government ripping us off.

Anonymous said...

don't forget diesel and lpg prices!

KeepMoving said...

Well, it's gone live today with unleaded, super unleaded and diesel. LPG may be an option, but we were really spoilt for choice with all the different types of petrol and left it out.